Quantock Hills National Landscape Annual Report
On 22 November 2023 all Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England and Wales changed to National Landscapes. The new name reflects their national importance, the vital contribution they make to protect the nation from the threats of climate change, nature depletion and wellbeing.
Published: 18 October 2024

The Quantock Hills AONB Team delivers nature recovery through three main mechanisms, direct delivery of habitat improvement works, provision of grants to allow landowners to undertake habitat improvement works, and research and monitoring ensuring land management decisions are well informed and will have the best outcome for species and strategic leadership.
The National Landscape Team is also able to facilitate action by others. In 2023 a significant piece of work was the development of the Quantock Common Moorland Implementation Plan. The plan covers the management of Quantock Common, Wills Neck and Aisholt Common over a ten year period from 2024 to 2034 prioritising the work of the existing Higher Level Stewardship Scheme and informing potential new agri-environment schemes.