Problem on the Roads?
Is there a problem on the roads near you? If so, please follow the procedure below to arrange for the problem to be addressed.
Published: 22 September 2024

Parish Information Sheet
Spot a problem on the roads? Report it online.
It’s the best way to report road problems or defects, and get them repaired quickly
User-friendly and available 24/7
Somerset Council has a quick and simple online reporting service available 24/7 for our councillors and clerks, communities, residents and businesses to use.
It’s the best way to report any defects spotted on our county’s roads.
Whether it’s potholes or cracked paving slabs, damaged drainage covers or graffiti, a flood or mud. There’s more than 20 types of fault you can report instantly and directly to the Council, as and when you see them.
And once reported, this fast and efficient system even allows you to track the progress of the repair.
The Council’s Highways Team regularly inspects the county’s 4,170 miles of roads, footways and cycleways but they cannot be everywhere all of the time to spot every defect.
That’s why Highways Officers encourage and welcome councillors, clerks and residents to report issues when they find them.
Why use our online reporting service?
- It avoids the need to phone the Council’s Contact Centre
- It avoids the need to phone or email our busy Council Highways Officers
- The online form can be accessed 24/7 and submitted day or night
- More than 20 fault options are available to choose from
- Notifications go directly to the Highways Team who alert operators on the ground, quickly and efficiently
- All submissions are tracked, allowing you to check the progress of your enquiry
- You can access the online service here:–and–transport/report–a–problem–onthe–road/
How do I report a road problem or defect?
- Access the form–and–transport/reporta–problem–on–the–road/
- Answer a few short questions to help the Council pinpoint the location and assess the size and scale of the problem
- If safe and legal to do so, take a picture of the defect and upload it with your submission
- Provide your contact details
Note: The online system is fully accessible and compatible whether using a smartphone, tablet or computer
What can I report?
Some examples:
Potholes/road damage blocked drain/gully damaged pavement/cycle path damaged signage/bollard overgrown vegetation problem with crossings
signal fault bridge/wall damage damaged drain cover
flooding hazards in/on road
problems with markings pavement/road obstruction weeds on pavement snow/ice
problem with roadworks flyposting/graffiti parking issues problem with road closures
What happens next?
You’ll get a ‘thank you’ email with a reference number and link, so you can track progress.
Your alert will automatically send a notification to an engineer’s phone.
Engineers will visit and assess the defect. All defects are risk assessed. We aim to do this in three working days.
Depending on size of the defect and where it is, we aim to repair it within 28 days (sooner if it is an emergency).
Or it may be added to a routine works programme (via a works order to our contractor). Or the defect may be monitored instead.
Either way, you’ll receive an additional email confirming when the fault is repaired, for your reassurance.
Please do not contact senior managers, Highways Officers or our Lead Member for Transport and Digital, Cllr Richard Wilkins, to report potholes and other such defects.
Help us avoid delays (and high email volumes) and use the fast and efficient online service instead. And encourage your communities, networks, family and friends to do the same.
We know many of our councillors and clerks already make sensible use of the online reporting service and hope you’ll not object to this brief Highways Service recap, and the gentle ask.
Thank you.